What’s in the attic?!?
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Listening to a Dog
They call me Homer. (I have no idea why.) I come to the Bacon (love bacon) once a week. When told to "Sit!" I sit and do my best to look interested. It's a great gig. I love the kids, but some of the stories they read to me are pretty silly. It's time for people to update their opinions on dog intelligence.
AN IMAGINED Conversation with the Architect of the Bacon Free Library
Reporter for the Natick Citizen (1880): Thank you for talking with me.
Robert G. Shaw, Architect for the Bacon Free Library: Thank you for asking.
The Octopus in the Attic
On the same day, but years apart, two wondrous beings came into the world: Julia, a tiny baby that would fit in the palm of your hand, and Sandy, an even tinier octopus. One lived in a house, one in a den under water, but both loved adventures, and both would come to find a home at the library.