The venture began in the home of Ms. Sarah Griffin Bacon in the 1800s as the Ladies Social Circle Library. After Sarah passed away, her husband, Oliver Bacon, obtained the land where the library is situated and first built a small library. He then passed away in 1878, and his will established a trust to build and operate a more substantial structure, which is our current library building.

In 1908, the Massachusetts legislature passed a statute forming the library as a charitable corporation, and it has operated in that form for well over one hundred years. The library is a non-profit corporation, a section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and contributions made are tax deductible depending on your circumstances. The corporation is managed by a private Board of Trustees.

The Town of Natick has provided financial support for the library services since 1951 and funds the salaries of our library director and staff, and also provides financial support for materials and some building-related expenses. Operating costs and maintenance and upkeep of the library building are the responsibility of the non-profit corporation.

The library relies on generous donors and volunteers to operate. For instance, charitable contributions and our endowment fund the library programming as well as building maintenance and improvements, while volunteers help with programs and special events.